There’s AI Porn on Etsy Now?!

AI porn is developing in a mind-boggling rate. With a bit of imagination and creativity, anyone can make the most outrageous porn images possible, and they look more realistic every single day. It was only a matter of time these images, which are often available to use in a commercial way, would find their way to certain marketplaces online. However, nobody could have predicted they would end up on Etsy.

According to this article on Forbes, Etsy even hosted Deepfake porn, until Forbes told them about it. One of the victims is none other than Olivia Munn. “There are also Olivia Munn fan mugs that can be personalized with a speech bubble. And, until Tuesday, you could buy AI-generated deepfake digital images of her – some of them pornographic.” According to Forbes.

Munn’s attorney, Bryan Sullivan, took immediate action against Etsy to make sure the images were removed, and that it wouldn’t happen again. “We will be taking action to remove this and prevent this from happening again. And I’ve already started that process with Etsy.”

Etsy has since removed the images, but there are still thousands left. Of course, JezebelCams had to find this out for themselves. And guess what? Forbes was right. After a simple search query of “AI Nudes“, we were confronted with hundreds of items for sale, ranging from MILF porn illustrations, to images that featured actual penetration.

AI porn on Etsy

According to the platform, the selling of “material that explicitly describes or displays sex acts, sex organs, or other erotic behavior for the purpose of sexual arousal or stimulation” is prohibited. However, it looks like there’s currently more porn on Etsy than in the newest PlayBoy magazine!

If you’re interested in selling this kind of stuff, you’ll be surprised it’s a lot easier than you might think. The most difficult part is choosing which AI porn generator to use, since there are currently tons of websites who offer this technology. Currently, the biggest websites in AI porn land are IceGirls.AI, Seduced.AI, EHentai.AI, and Pornderful.AI.

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I'm the owner and author of JezebelCams. JezebelCams is about entertaining and informative articles for fans and workers in the industry. I write every article with full respect for the real stars.